Trump’s move to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital: America has failed to understand that new multipolar world is emerging
By Adv Masood Peshimam
The momentous decision of 128 nations to reject American President Donald Trump’s move to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and ignore the American threat of revenge and intimidation explains the American role in global politics. America has failed to understand that new multipolar world is emerging. In the complex emerging multipolar world China is a growing economy developing more muscle. Russia which had declined in the reckoning with the collapse of the erstwhile Soviet Union is back in the count with the growth of more leverage. Iran is weighing its options to sustain its missile program. India and Pakistan have their own nuclear weapons.
North Korean has become an American headache articulating its nuclear teeth with an enormous belligerence and aggressive stance. The U.S. has a stake in making North Korean not to play the nuclear card. The U.S. would like more and more sanctions imposed on North Korea to deter it from developing the nuclear muscle. While American is on a campaign of heavy sanctions against North Korea the fact remains that ill treatment of the vexed Palestinian issue triggering large scale violence against the unarmed and defenseless Palestinians by Israel backed by America the sanctions need to be imposed on Trump’s America. The question is who is going to bell the cat against the country which is out to foment hostility further in already fragile climate in west Asia.
Even the European nations with the diverse interests are not keen to be enamored of the American unjust foray in influencing the volatile developments in the Middle East. The present multi polar world order is in contrast with the stance of unipolar world order gathering momentum during the reign of President Bush. The Unipolar world order had come into existence with the collapse of erstwhile Soviet Union which was characterized by Bipolar world. It was during this period Iraq was attacked on the false pretext of possessing the weapons of mass destruction.
Iraq under Saddam Hussain was destroyed lock, stock and barrel with the support of the coalition forces with the significant inclusion of Muslim nations. Muslim nations chose to support the U.S. guided by their own strategies and interests which culminated into the hanging of Saddam Hussain. Saddam fought the war single handedly in the wake of the fact that Iran its arch rival did not allow the Iraqi planes to fly from the territories which were surrendered to Iran by Iraq. Saddam had kept the fleet of planes to avoid the repeat of Egyptian experiment which had witnessed immobilization of Egyptian Air Force during the 1967 Arab-Israel conflict.
Muslim nations remaining on the same page with the U.S. is beyond explanation as the U.S. has always betrayed the Muslim nations. The situation grew more poignant with the high voltage Muslim phobia of Donald Trump. What is equally irksome is the fact that the American policies cannot remain independent of Jewish influence.
The Present thrust of American policy to threaten the nations to bow to the American whim and caprice is a serious blow to democracy. A large chunk of nations in the U.N. have opposed the American move to shift American embassy to Jerusalem. The U.S. has remained all alone in the U.N. in defending its close ally, Israel in the U.N. the most powerful body so to say.
Earlier the U.S. vetoed the security council resolution. The U.S. decision clearly violates the U.N. resolution and decisions that Jerusalem is an issue to be resolved by Israel and Palestine in peace negotiations on two state solution.
The U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley said that the Trump administration has been working on a new Middle East peace proposal and the U.S. is more committed to peace This concept of peace is rejected by the overwhelming majority of world’s nations. The overwhelming majority of world’s nations delivered a stinging rebuke to the United States denouncing its decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
Only American ambassador Nikki Haly understands what she meant by peace. The definition of peace is flawed, subjective and manipulated. The word peace has become an instrument to perpetuate violence at its worst. The words like peace, radicalization and extremism are only made for others and damage the peace process at its worst. America and Russia have murderous assault in Middle East creating all sorts of chaos and disorder flexing their muscles in the name of combating terror and promoting peace. America and Russia have unleashed most in human uncivilized blood shade in the name of combating terrorism. An ugly charade is staged to orchestrate a false narrative that extremism and radicalization is fought tooth and nail.
In the latest development of Jerusalem, the diplomats of a large chunk of nations brushed aside what appeared to be hastily organized pressure campaign by the White House including last minute threat by President Trump to cut off aid to countries voting for the resolution opposing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The U.S. also threatened to take other punitive measures.
In the countries flexing muscles over the helpless and unarmed people new vocabulary like fighting extremism, terror, radicalization is invented. The concepts like fighting terror and extremism are invented to sustain and perpetuate terror at its worst. It is witnessed in Syria, Iraq & Israel so on so forth.
It’s interesting to note that those who condemn the scourge of extremism and radicalization are expected to be kind enough to find out as to what extent and depth they are radicals and extremists. Such words are easy instruments to unleash the reign of terror creating the space for chaos and disorder. The concern for extremism and radicalization is articulated by those who are needed to be de-radicalized and de-extremised.
Eminent writer Arundathi Roy boldly opined that America treats the world body like U.N.O. as toilet paper. Nevertheless, the fact has emerged that the role of U.S. has diminished in the global affairs with the U.S. encouraging the internecine conflict to the detriment of the world peace.
Justice and peace go hand in hand. There can’t be peace without Justice. Justice is not meted out across the political spectrum as dishonesty prevails in the socio-political scenario.
Earlier in the Islamic summit held at Istanbul in Turkey comprising 57 countries spread over 4 continents Trump’s move of shifting American embassy to Jerusalem was treated null and void and the organization of Islam co-operation considered it an attack on the rights of the Palestinian people. The Islamic summit accused the U.S. of deliberately undermining peace efforts and warned that it has given impetus to extremism and terrorism. The nations affiliated to OIC have always paraded their will and evidence in discouraging extremism & terrorism. The former components constituting erstwhile Soviet Union rediscovered their Muslim identity which led them to become members of the organization of Islamic co-operation.
Russian Supremo Stalin tried every inch to crush the Islamic identity but failed. Not to speak of Stalin even the Muslim Communists in India did not desire Islam to occupy any space in the former Soviet Union. The noted Urdu scholar Zoe Ansari lamented that Islam was in slumber in U.S.S.R but not dead though it’s a different matter that he later on repented his anti-Islam utterances. Islam came back to life but with moderate tone and liberal voice. It’s the worsening plight of Palestinians which attracted the attention of the OIC rather than any religious flavor. It’s the humanitarian issue of Justice which has occupied the space in OIC. It’s the restoration of Palestinian people’s legitimate rights, including the right to establish their independent state with Jerusalem its capital.
Apart from the creation of Israel in the heart of Arab Jerusalem was occupied in the 1967 Arab Israeli conflict. The Arab faced the disastrous defeat at the hands of Israel backed by the U.S. with the immobilization of Egyptian Air force. Israel destroyed the entire Egyptian Air force before president Nasser could attack Israel. He was prevented to do so by the then Russian Supremo. It was in this conflict that the Arab territories were occupied by Israel.
Over the years Israel with the backing of U.S. has not only sustained the occupation of the Arab territories but also created the Jewish settlement. This whole exercise is illegal and violates the international law. Trump cares a boot for international law dancing to the Jewish tune. Otherwise also he is virtually stripped of any civilized conduct in normal life. He has invited a lot of allegations of sexual misconduct. In contrast John Profumo had resigned in the wake of the sensational sex scandal with Christine killer in Britain explaining his sensitivity and sense of remorse.
Trump need not repent as he is backed by Jewish lobby to play the Israeli card no matter what the U.N. or any other global organization says. The U.S. has reduced U.N. to a talking shop which has failed to end the Israeli Palestinian stalemate involving huge atrocities over the helpless unarmed Palestinians.
While the U.N. has lack luster performance concerning the weak and feeble but grows teeth when it’s a question of imposing sanctions against Iran or North Korea attuned to American interests The U.N. has lost its credibility and teeth to deter the American and Israeli uncivilized atrocities against the unarmed Palestinians. Against this unsavory development the question remains whether the U.N. remains relevant to the rough and tumble of global politics.
The momentous decision of 128 nations to reject American President Donald Trump’s move to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and ignore the American threat of revenge and intimidation explains the American role in global politics. America has failed to understand that new multipolar world is emerging. In the complex emerging multipolar world China is a growing economy developing more muscle. Russia which had declined in the reckoning with the collapse of the erstwhile Soviet Union is back in the count with the growth of more leverage. Iran is weighing its options to sustain its missile program. India and Pakistan have their own nuclear weapons.
North Korean has become an American headache articulating its nuclear teeth with an enormous belligerence and aggressive stance. The U.S. has a stake in making North Korean not to play the nuclear card. The U.S. would like more and more sanctions imposed on North Korea to deter it from developing the nuclear muscle. While American is on a campaign of heavy sanctions against North Korea the fact remains that ill treatment of the vexed Palestinian issue triggering large scale violence against the unarmed and defenseless Palestinians by Israel backed by America the sanctions need to be imposed on Trump’s America. The question is who is going to bell the cat against the country which is out to foment hostility further in already fragile climate in west Asia.
Even the European nations with the diverse interests are not keen to be enamored of the American unjust foray in influencing the volatile developments in the Middle East. The present multi polar world order is in contrast with the stance of unipolar world order gathering momentum during the reign of President Bush. The Unipolar world order had come into existence with the collapse of erstwhile Soviet Union which was characterized by Bipolar world. It was during this period Iraq was attacked on the false pretext of possessing the weapons of mass destruction.
Iraq under Saddam Hussain was destroyed lock, stock and barrel with the support of the coalition forces with the significant inclusion of Muslim nations. Muslim nations chose to support the U.S. guided by their own strategies and interests which culminated into the hanging of Saddam Hussain. Saddam fought the war single handedly in the wake of the fact that Iran its arch rival did not allow the Iraqi planes to fly from the territories which were surrendered to Iran by Iraq. Saddam had kept the fleet of planes to avoid the repeat of Egyptian experiment which had witnessed immobilization of Egyptian Air Force during the 1967 Arab-Israel conflict.
Muslim nations remaining on the same page with the U.S. is beyond explanation as the U.S. has always betrayed the Muslim nations. The situation grew more poignant with the high voltage Muslim phobia of Donald Trump. What is equally irksome is the fact that the American policies cannot remain independent of Jewish influence.
The Present thrust of American policy to threaten the nations to bow to the American whim and caprice is a serious blow to democracy. A large chunk of nations in the U.N. have opposed the American move to shift American embassy to Jerusalem. The U.S. has remained all alone in the U.N. in defending its close ally, Israel in the U.N. the most powerful body so to say.
Earlier the U.S. vetoed the security council resolution. The U.S. decision clearly violates the U.N. resolution and decisions that Jerusalem is an issue to be resolved by Israel and Palestine in peace negotiations on two state solution.
The U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley said that the Trump administration has been working on a new Middle East peace proposal and the U.S. is more committed to peace This concept of peace is rejected by the overwhelming majority of world’s nations. The overwhelming majority of world’s nations delivered a stinging rebuke to the United States denouncing its decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
Only American ambassador Nikki Haly understands what she meant by peace. The definition of peace is flawed, subjective and manipulated. The word peace has become an instrument to perpetuate violence at its worst. The words like peace, radicalization and extremism are only made for others and damage the peace process at its worst. America and Russia have murderous assault in Middle East creating all sorts of chaos and disorder flexing their muscles in the name of combating terror and promoting peace. America and Russia have unleashed most in human uncivilized blood shade in the name of combating terrorism. An ugly charade is staged to orchestrate a false narrative that extremism and radicalization is fought tooth and nail.
In the latest development of Jerusalem, the diplomats of a large chunk of nations brushed aside what appeared to be hastily organized pressure campaign by the White House including last minute threat by President Trump to cut off aid to countries voting for the resolution opposing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The U.S. also threatened to take other punitive measures.
In the countries flexing muscles over the helpless and unarmed people new vocabulary like fighting extremism, terror, radicalization is invented. The concepts like fighting terror and extremism are invented to sustain and perpetuate terror at its worst. It is witnessed in Syria, Iraq & Israel so on so forth.
It’s interesting to note that those who condemn the scourge of extremism and radicalization are expected to be kind enough to find out as to what extent and depth they are radicals and extremists. Such words are easy instruments to unleash the reign of terror creating the space for chaos and disorder. The concern for extremism and radicalization is articulated by those who are needed to be de-radicalized and de-extremised.
Eminent writer Arundathi Roy boldly opined that America treats the world body like U.N.O. as toilet paper. Nevertheless, the fact has emerged that the role of U.S. has diminished in the global affairs with the U.S. encouraging the internecine conflict to the detriment of the world peace.
Justice and peace go hand in hand. There can’t be peace without Justice. Justice is not meted out across the political spectrum as dishonesty prevails in the socio-political scenario.
Earlier in the Islamic summit held at Istanbul in Turkey comprising 57 countries spread over 4 continents Trump’s move of shifting American embassy to Jerusalem was treated null and void and the organization of Islam co-operation considered it an attack on the rights of the Palestinian people. The Islamic summit accused the U.S. of deliberately undermining peace efforts and warned that it has given impetus to extremism and terrorism. The nations affiliated to OIC have always paraded their will and evidence in discouraging extremism & terrorism. The former components constituting erstwhile Soviet Union rediscovered their Muslim identity which led them to become members of the organization of Islamic co-operation.
Russian Supremo Stalin tried every inch to crush the Islamic identity but failed. Not to speak of Stalin even the Muslim Communists in India did not desire Islam to occupy any space in the former Soviet Union. The noted Urdu scholar Zoe Ansari lamented that Islam was in slumber in U.S.S.R but not dead though it’s a different matter that he later on repented his anti-Islam utterances. Islam came back to life but with moderate tone and liberal voice. It’s the worsening plight of Palestinians which attracted the attention of the OIC rather than any religious flavor. It’s the humanitarian issue of Justice which has occupied the space in OIC. It’s the restoration of Palestinian people’s legitimate rights, including the right to establish their independent state with Jerusalem its capital.
Apart from the creation of Israel in the heart of Arab Jerusalem was occupied in the 1967 Arab Israeli conflict. The Arab faced the disastrous defeat at the hands of Israel backed by the U.S. with the immobilization of Egyptian Air force. Israel destroyed the entire Egyptian Air force before president Nasser could attack Israel. He was prevented to do so by the then Russian Supremo. It was in this conflict that the Arab territories were occupied by Israel.
Over the years Israel with the backing of U.S. has not only sustained the occupation of the Arab territories but also created the Jewish settlement. This whole exercise is illegal and violates the international law. Trump cares a boot for international law dancing to the Jewish tune. Otherwise also he is virtually stripped of any civilized conduct in normal life. He has invited a lot of allegations of sexual misconduct. In contrast John Profumo had resigned in the wake of the sensational sex scandal with Christine killer in Britain explaining his sensitivity and sense of remorse.
Trump need not repent as he is backed by Jewish lobby to play the Israeli card no matter what the U.N. or any other global organization says. The U.S. has reduced U.N. to a talking shop which has failed to end the Israeli Palestinian stalemate involving huge atrocities over the helpless unarmed Palestinians.
While the U.N. has lack luster performance concerning the weak and feeble but grows teeth when it’s a question of imposing sanctions against Iran or North Korea attuned to American interests The U.N. has lost its credibility and teeth to deter the American and Israeli uncivilized atrocities against the unarmed Palestinians. Against this unsavory development the question remains whether the U.N. remains relevant to the rough and tumble of global politics.
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