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Whither academic substance? Horse ride, camel ride mark 75 years of a college in Kerala

By Rosamma Thomas*  St Thomas College Pala in Kottayam district of Kerala is celebrating the 75th year of its foundation in January 2025. When it was first set up in 1950, it was among just a few colleges in the area, even before the state of Kerala was formed in 1956.

If RSS and BJP truly believe in Manusmriti, they should implement it and face the consequences

By Kanwal Bharti   Recently, I read in the newspaper about a group of Dalit students in Banaras who organized a program to burn Manusmriti. They are now in jail. This act raises a critical question: why do Dalits engage in such actions? They claim to follow Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, but they seem to ignore the historical context of his criticism of Manusmriti. For Ambedkar, Manusmriti represented Hindu separatism in its time. How do Dalits perceive it today? If they identify as Hindus, why oppose Manusmriti?

जाति प्रथा के विरूद्ध संघर्ष के लिए समर्पित नारायण गुरु क्या सनातन धर्म का भाग हैं?

- राम पुनियानी  हाल (31 दिसंबर 2024) में शिवगिरी तीर्थयात्रा के सिलसिले में आयोजित एक सम्मेलन का उद्घाटन करते हुए केरल के मुख्यमंत्री पिनारई विजयन ने स्वामी सच्चितानंद के इस प्रस्ताव का समर्थन किया कि मंदिरों में प्रवेश करते समय पुरुषों द्वारा कमीज उतारने और शरीर के ऊपरी हिस्से पर कोई वस्त्र न पहनने की प्रथा को समाप्त किया जाए. यह माना जाता है कि यह परंपरा इसलिए स्थापित हुई ताकि उन लोगों की पहचान हो सके जो जनेऊ नहीं पहने हुए हैं. जनेऊ पहनने का अधिकार सिर्फ उच्च जातियों के लोगों को था. कुछ लोग इस व्याख्या पर शंका जाहिर करते हैं लेकिन धड़ को खुला करने की कोई और वजह रही होगी, इसकी संभावना बहुत कम है. जनेऊ न पहने हुए लोगों का मंदिर में प्रवेश प्रतिबंधित रहता था. विजयन ने यह भी कहा कि ऐसा प्रचार कि जा रहा है कि सुप्रसिद्ध समाज सुधारक नारायण गुरू, सनातन परंपरा का हिस्सा थे. यह दावा बिल्कुल गलत है क्योंकि नारायण गुरू “एक जाति, एक धर्म, एक ईश्वर” के नजरिए का प्रचार करते थे और जाति और धर्म के बंधनों से परे समानता का भाव, सनातन धर्म की मूलभूत मान्यताओं के एकदम विपरीत है. 

This NGO ensured peaceful transition of land to landless, released, rehabilited bonded workers

By Bharat Dogra   While starting their work most voluntary organizations are reluctant to take up the most difficult issues. However when Gaya Prasad Gopal, popularly known as Gopal ji in development circles in Bundelkhand region, established the Akhil Bharatiya Samaj Sewa Sansthan (ABSSS) about four decades back he did not hesitate to prioritize the most difficult but also the most important issues—distribution of land among the landless and release and rehabilitation of bonded workers. What is more, this work was taken up in the difficult Patha (plateau) area that was known for its ‘dabangs’, a word commonly  used here for powerful and ruthless persons who dominate these villages. An additional difficulty was that several dacoit gangs were active in the Patha area, and the dabangs sometimes colluded with them to use their might against anyone who opposed them.  The Patha area where the ABSSS started working was then included in Banda district of Uttar Pradesh, and ...

खुले में शौच से मुक्त भारत में भारतीय प्रौद्यौगिकी संस्थान, कानपुर में 34 दलित परिवार बिना शौचालय के

- संदीप पाण्डेय  1959 में भारतीय प्रौद्यौगिकी संस्थान, कानपुर को बनाने के लिए दो गांव उजाड़े गए। किसानों को सिर्फ खेतों में खड़ी फसल का मामूली सा मुआवजा दे दिया गया। इस राष्ट्रीय महत्व के संस्थान को बनाने के लिए जमीन का कोई मुआवजा नहीं दिया गया। उजाड़े गए हरेक परिवार को वायदा किया गया कि परिवार के एक सदस्य को संस्थान में नौकरी मिलेगी। बस यह नहीं बताया गया कि भारतीय प्रौद्यौगिकी संस्थान में नौकरी करने कि लिए विशेष कौशल वाले लोग चाहिए। हां, कुछ लोगों को निचले स्तर पर मेहनत-मजदूरी वाले कामों के लिए रख लिया गया। इसी समय कुछ घोबी परिवारों को भी बाहर से लाकर बसाया गया जो छात्रों, कर्मचारियों व प्रोफेसरों के कपड़े धो सकें। इनमें से एक व्यक्ति को जिसे रु. 35 प्रति माह पर संस्थान में नौकरी का मौका मिल रहा था, को समझा बुझा कर नौकरी छुड़वा कर धोबी का काम करने के लिए तैयार किया गया।

A gripping memoir that captures essence of Mohinder Amarnath’s remarkable journey

By Harsh Thakor*  Mohinder Amarnath’s autobiography, Fearless, released thirty-five years after his departure from international cricket, is a fitting tribute to his relentless courage on the cricket pitch. Co-written with his brother Rajender Amarnath, this memoir is a balanced, forthright, and anecdotal account that explores not just Amarnath's cricketing career but also his family life, philosophies, and the trials he faced both as a cricketer and as a person. The memoir begins with touching reflections on his childhood experiences and the profound influence of his father, Lala Amarnath, on his life and career. Written in a simple, lucid style, the book is a compelling read, capturing the essence of Amarnath’s rollercoaster journey in cricket. It portrays his career as one of the most enduring tales in Indian sports history, blending moments of triumph with setbacks and controversies, akin to an epic novel with continuous ebb and flow.

2026 तक सोलर पावर से दुनिया के सभी परमाणु रिएक्टरों से ज्यादा बिजली बनने लगेगी

- राजकुमार सिन्हा  सौर ऊर्जा सबसे प्रचुर मात्रा में उपलब्ध है और स्वच्छ ऊर्जा संसाधनों में से एक है। ‘भारतीय अक्षय ऊर्जा विकास ऐजेंसी लिमिटेड’ (आईआरईडीए) के अनुसार भारत 5000 ट्रिलियन किलोवाट सौर ऊर्जा उत्पादन करने में सक्षम है। अगर इस ऊर्जा का कुशलतापूर्वक उपयोग किया जाए तो जीवाश्म ईंधन पर निर्भरता काफी हद तक कम होगी और ऊर्जा उत्पादन में शामिल कार्बन उत्सर्जन में कमी आएगी। देश की कुल सौर क्षमता 7,48,990 मेगावाट है  परन्तु नंवबर 2024 तक 92120 मेगावाट क्षमता ही स्थापित की जा सकी है, जबकि सरकार ने 2030 तक 2,92,000 मेगावाट का लक्ष्य निर्धारित किया है।

Month old widespread NIA raids in Delhi, Haryana, and Punjab spark reactions

By A Representative  As widely reported in the media, a month back, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) conducted early-morning raids across Delhi, Haryana, and Punjab, targeting several individuals and organizations. The raids, which took place on December 20, were reportedly linked to an ongoing investigation under FIR No. RC-01/2023 registered in Lucknow, concerning alleged attempts to revive the Northern Regional Bureau of the banned CPI (Maoist).

Call for sustainable energy policy, holistic approach to renewable energy

By Shankar Sharma*  India stands at a crucial juncture in its energy transition journey. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) recently announced that the country's renewable energy capacity has doubled to 15 GW. While this milestone is commendable, it is juxtaposed with concerns over coal-based power expansions, substantial investments in transmission infrastructure, and delayed renewable energy projects. 

Lack of coherence in Indian democracy: millions go hungry, spend night in open sky

By Harasankar Adhikari  Just after India's independence, Dr. Rajendra Prasad declared that "it is a democratic constitution, and its successful functioning requires in those who have to work them, a willingness to respect the viewpoints of others and the capacity for a comprehensive accommodation. It does not function without taking into account the choice for voting, and the divisions in lobbies strengthen that hope. If the elected representative is capable and a man of character and integrity, he would be able to make the best even of the defective constitution. If they lack these, the constitution cannot help the country. After all, a constitution, like a machine, is a lifeless thing. It acquires life because of the electorates that control it and operate it, and India needs today nothing more than a set of honest men who will have the interest of the country before them."

Why are welfare schemes unable to reach denotified, nomadic and semi-nomadic tribes?

By Bharat Dogra  Nearly a decade has passed since the government had constituted the National Commission for Denotified Tribes, Nomadic Tribes and Semi-Nomadic Tribes in 2015 under the chairmanship of Bhiku Ramji Idate. However over seven years after its recommendations became available we see a situation of absence of adequate welfare steps and even inadequacy of steps to ensure proper identification for these communities. Out of the nearly 1526 communities identified, nearly 269 are not yet categorized as SC, ST or OBC, according to recent reports. 

Concern over the use of encounters as a method to address insurgency

By A Representative  On January 16, 2025, during an anti-Naxal operation, 12 individuals, reportedly including several members of the Adivasi community, lost their lives in an encounter involving over 4,000 paramilitary personnel. The Forum Against Corporatization and Militarization (FACAM), a coalition of various organizations, has released a statement condemning the incident and calling for greater accountability in such operations.

Gasping for air? Indian cities struggle to breathe amid green space crisis

By A Representative  India's urban centers are gasping for air—both literally and figuratively. Green spaces in metropolitan areas like Mumbai and Delhi have plummeted to a shocking 3%, a far cry from the 30% in global counterparts like London. This stark disparity highlights the urgent need for sustainable urban planning as Indian cities face deteriorating living conditions, environmental risks, and reduced life expectancy by as much as five years.

Villagers in Jayantipur, West Bengal, report movement restrictions, harassment by BSF

By A Representative  Residents of Jayantipur village in North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, have raised concerns about restrictions on their movement and alleged harassment by the Border Security Force (BSF) stationed in the area. The village, located near the Indo-Bangladesh border, has been fenced off by BSF personnel, reportedly isolating around 30% of its population from essential services and the rest of the community.

J&K RTI Foundation raises concerns over new online portal, urges inclusion J&K Bank

By A Representative   The Jammu and Kashmir RTI Foundation has expressed several concerns regarding the newly launched J&K Right to Information (RTI) Online Portal  in a press statement. While acknowledging the portal’s potential to enhance government transparency and simplify the RTI filing process, the Foundation highlighted several operational and structural issues that could impede its effectiveness.

Delhi residents rally against proposed Bawana waste-to-energy plant

By Adharika*  The People’s Alliance for Waste Accountability (PAWA) and Delhi residents are voicing strong opposition to the proposed Waste-to-Energy (WTE) plant in Bawana, citing environmental and health concerns. A recent public hearing held on December 27, 2024, organized by the Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC), has drawn criticism for its lack of transparency and poor organization.

Uttarayan: Why Hindutva campaign to prevent Gujaratis from buying 'Muslim kites' failed

By Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ*  It is late evening, the day after Uttarayan (15 January), traditionally called ‘vasi uttarayan’. It has been a dull, cloudy day; the wind has been fairly good though. Since yesterday thousands have been on building-tops, flying their kites and many others running on the streets to catch the ‘cut’ kites. At this moment, the skies are pocked with thousands of kites, music of every possible strand blares loud from rap songs to the latest Hindi filmi ones, the yells and the screams continue to pierce the air.  No match however, for the loud crackers. It is a great day indeed – as people from across the board, bond together to celebrate diversity!

Thirteen BHU students fabricated on false charges win bail rights

By Harsh Thakor*  Thirteen students arrested on charges of attempting to burn the Manusmriti at Banaras Hindu University (BHU) were granted bail on January 11, 2025. The following day, on January 12, the students held a press conference under the banner of the Bhagat Singh Students Morcha (BSM) at Paradkar Bhawan in Maidagin.

Towards sustainable livelihood: Dialogue on swaraj path as India’s answer to climate change

By Bharat Dogra  As climate change intensifies and the inadequacy of the west-driven climate response becomes clearer by the day, it is helpful for the entire effort if countries of the global south can come up with their own alternative responses which are more firmly aligned to their needs as well as special strengths.

L&T boss' 90 hrs statement: Homemakers spend over 12 hrs daily in managing household

By NS Venkataraman* Recent remarks by the Chairman of Larsen & Toubro in India, suggesting that employees work 90 hours a week, have sparked significant debate. Trade unions, employee associations, and others have criticized the idea, labeling it impractical and inhumane. Similar suggestions in the past, such as one from a founder of Infosys, faced comparable criticism.

Is Narayan Guru, who transcended caste and religious divides, part of Sanatan Dharma?

By Ram Puniyani*  Recently (31st December 2024), while inaugurating a conference as part of the Sivagiri pilgrimage, Pinarayi Vijayan supported Swami Satchitanand's proposal to stop the practice of removing shirts and baring the torso while entering temples. It is believed that this practice originated to identify those wearing the sacred thread, an upper-caste privilege. While some doubt this, it's unlikely there was any other primary reason for this practice. Those without the sacred thread were likely prohibited from entering the temple. Vijayan also stated that efforts are being made to propagate that Guru was part of the Sanatan tradition. He was far removed from it, as Guru propagated, "One caste, one religion, one God." This emphasis on equality, irrespective of caste and religion, is antithetical to the core of Sanatan Dharma.

અમેરિકાની આગ: માણસની વિકાસલક્ષી ભૂલમાં અલ્લાહ, ગોડ, ઈશ્વર કે બીજા કોઈ ભગવાનની ભૂમિકા ક્યાં આવે છે?

- હેમંતકુમાર શાહ  પ્રથમ એક વાત એ કે ઈશ્વર, અલ્લાહ કે ગોડ અને એમના જેવા બીજા બધા ભગવાનો, માતાઓ અને દેવીઓ તો માણસને મારવા બેઠાં હોય છે. માણસ જ માણસને કુદરતના ખોફથી બચાવે છે. મોટા ભાગનાને આ વાત નહિ ગમે, પણ ઇતિહાસ એની સાક્ષી પૂરે છે. મનુષ્યની સંસ્કૃતિનો વિકાસ કુદરતી આફતો સામે જંગ લડવામાંથી જ થયો છે. 

Hunger strike by Dallewal has exposed strategic weaknesses in farmers' movement

By Vikas Meshram*  The roots of the agricultural crisis in India lie in a variety of factors that collectively make the situation more challenging for the country's farmers. Despite agriculture being the backbone of the Indian economy, it often receives inadequate attention. The issues in agriculture are not merely short-term but have long-term implications as well. Over the past three decades, neoliberal policies have accelerated this crisis.

Fifty days of Dallewal’s fast: Wither long-term solution to the crisis in agriculture sector?

By Prem Singh  It is a good development that the Samyuykt Kisan Morcha (SKM) has indicated a supportive attitude towards the farmers' resistance movement being carried out under the joint aegis of the Samyukt Kisan Morcha (non-political) and Kisan Mazdoor Morcha at Khanauri and Shambhu borders. The talks among the leadership are going on in a positive atmosphere. One can hope that by learning from past experiences and forgetting the differences, if any, all farmers' organizations in the country will unite towards solving the problems of agriculture and farmers. Just as there is agreement on the main demands of the farmers, it is also necessary to have agreement among the farmer leadership on the strategy to get those demands accepted by the central and state governments. The farmer leadership should also understand that the players of corporate politics should not be allowed to divert the energy of the farmers' movement in their favour. That is, the farmer leadership should...

डल्लेवाल के मरण-व्रत को तुड़वा कर संघर्ष जारी रहे इसका नया रास्ता समूह सत्याग्रह-उपवास का हो सकता है

- प्रेम सिंह*   यह अच्छी बात है कि संयुक्त किसान मोर्चा (एसकेएम) खनौरी बॉर्डर और शंभू बॉर्डर पर संयुक्त किसान मोर्चा (गैर-राजनीतिक) और किसान मजदूर मोर्चा के संयुक्त तत्वावधान में चल रहे किसानों के प्रतिरोध  आंदोलन के प्रति सहयोगी रुख का संकेत दिया है। नेतृत्व के बीच बातचीत सकारात्मक वातावरण में चल रही है। आशा की जानी चाहिए कि पिछले अनुभवों से सबक लेकर और मतभेदों (अगर कोई हैं) को भुला कर देश के सभी किसान संगठन खेती-किसानीं की समस्याओं को सुलझाने की दिशा में एकजुट होंगे। जिस तरह किसानों की प्रमुख मांगों पर सहमति है, उसी तरह केंद्र और राज्य सरकारों से उन मांगों को मनवाने की रणनीति पर भी किसान नेतृत्व में सहमति होना जरूरी है। किसान आंदोलन की ऊर्जा का कारपोरेट राजनीति के खिलाड़ी बार-बार अपने पक्ष में इस्तेमाल न कर सकें, इसकी समझदारी भी किसान नेतृत्व में बननी चाहिए। यानि किसान नेतृत्व को संकट के तात्कालिक समाधान के साथ दूरगामी समाधान के प्रति भी सतत प्रतिबद्ध रहना चाहिए।   

Moga Mahapanchayat strengthens unity and mobilization of farmers

By Harsh Thakor*  On January 9, farmers gathered at the Mahapanchayat in Moga's grain market, arriving on tractor-trolleys, buses, cars, and other forms of transport. The overwhelming turnout forced organizers to expand the venue to accommodate the participants.

Comprehensive policy needed for freeing farming, food systems from big corporate clutches

By Bharat Dogra  There is increasing realization that while various countries have varying levels of success in their food and farming policies, on the whole, at world level, the existing farming and food system is going more and more under the control of big corporate interests in such ways that the most desirable objectives of welfare of farmers, the sustainability of their livelihoods, protection of environment and biodiversity, welfare of animals and above all the sustainable production of safe and healthy food are being increasingly sacrificed and neglected. 

34 Dalit families in IIT Kanpur without toilets in Open Defecation Free India

By Sandeep Pandey   When Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur was set up in 1959, two villages were uprooted. The farmers were given meagre compensation for the standing crop. No compensation was given for the land to build this institute of national importance. Each family was promised a job but what was not told to them was that one would require specialised skills to get a job at IIT. Some members of these families were, of course, absorbed for menial work. Some washerfolk families were also invited from outside to live on campus to take care of the laundry needs of students, staff and faculty members. One of these men was cajoled by IIT authorities then to forego a regular employment at IIT and instead take up clothes washing work.

The claimants of Sheila Dikshit's Delhi: Kejriwal, Modi in tug of war for the legacy of Congress

By Prem Singh  (This comment was written about 6 years ago in March 2019. In a recently held conversation about the assembly elections to be held in Delhi on 5 February 2025, learned journalist friend Arun Tripathi said that I should write my analysis, views, perspective and assessment on these elections. I don't know when I will write that. I am not sure whether I will be able to do it or not. For now, I am sharing this old comment again. This may fulfil his request to some extent. However, I know all the three main parties active in the assembly elections - Congress, BJP and AAP - will ignore this comment.)

जाति-व्यवस्था, पितृ सत्ता, धार्मिक अंधविश्वास, पाखंड, लैंगिक असमानता, छुआछूत, सामाजिक भेदभाव पर पेरियार के तार्किक विचार

- जर्नादन रविदास   प्रमोद रंजन द्वारा संपादित पुस्तक ‘जाति-व्यवस्था और पितृसत्ता’ भारत का सुकरात कहे जाने वाले ई. वी. रामास्वामी पेरियार के इस विषय पर केंद्रित लेखों और भाषणों का संग्रह है। इस पुस्तक में हम पेरियार के बहुत ही तार्किक विचारों को पाते हैं। मसलन, पेरियार का कहना है कि “मैं विवाह या शादी जैसे शब्दों से सहमत नहीं हूं। मैं इसे केवल जीवन में साहचर्य के लिए एक अनुबंध मानता हूं।” इसी तरह वे कहते हैं कि “जो आदमी ईश्वर और धर्म में विश्वास रखता है, वह आजादी हासिल करने की कभी उम्मीद नहीं कर सकता।”

ખરાબ લોકશાહીનો ઉપાય સારી લોકશાહી છે, તાનાશાહી નહિ: ગોધરા પરિસંવાદના મહત્વપૂર્ણ મુદ્દાઓ પર ચર્ચા

- એક પ્રતિનિધિ  ગુજરાત-મુંબઈ રેશનાલિસ્ટ એસોસીએશન અને હ્યુમેનિસ્ટ રેશનાલિસ્ટ એસોસીએશન દ્વારા ગોધરા ખાતે આયોજિત પરિસંવાદમાં "લોકશાહીનો તર્ક અને તાર્કિક લોકશાહી" વિષય પર રસપ્રદ ચર્ચાઓ થઈ. પ્રોફેસર હેમંતકુમાર શાહના વ્યાખ્યાનમાં લોકશાહી અને તાનાશાહી વચ્ચેના તફાવત તથા શાસનવ્યવસ્થાના માળખા પર વિશદ વિચારો રજૂ કરાયા. રાજાશાહી શાસનવ્યવસ્થા એ માન્યતા પર આધારિત હતી કે રાજા ભગવાનનું પ્રતિનિધિત્વ કરે છે. આ માન્યતા અતાર્કિક હતી, કારણ કે ઈશ્વર દ્વારા શાસન કરવાની ધારણા મૂલ્યરહિત છે.

US-China superpower rivalry: Yet another proof that universal peace Is utopian

By N.S. Venkataraman* From time immemorial, there has been no occasion of universal peace in the world, without one region fighting against another or clashes occurring between groups of people.

Courtney Walsh: The ultimate metronome amongst pace bowlers who personified sportsmanship

By Harsh Thakor*  Courtney Walsh probably bowled faster for longer than any other man in cricketing history. His unbreakable spirit, coupled with his immense physical endurance, propelled him to reach the extraordinary milestone of 519 Test wickets and a record 30,019 deliveries bowled in Test cricket. Walsh was, without question, the ultimate metronome of pace bowling. This year marks the 25th anniversary of his retirement from Test cricket in 2000.

Has Delhi board dashed construction workers' hopes created by good laws?

By Bharat Dogra  In 1996 two hope-giving national laws were passed for construction workers which if properly implemented would have by now made available a range of benefits including pensions and financial assistance for education of children. Some such welfare benefits have actually reached construction workers under these laws but the actual benefits are much, much below the potential and in many colonies of construction workers one finds these now to be quite negligible, although the performance can differ from state to state.

Patriarchal statement of Subramanyam of L&T: Capitalist arrogance, offensive

By A Representative  The Chairman of Larson & Toubro, S N Subramanyan, has drawn sharp criticism from the All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) for his recent advocacy of a 90-hour work week. The AITUC has strongly condemned Subramanyan's "capitalist arrogance" and his apparent disregard for the well-being of workers.

સત્તા સાથે અસંમત થતો અવાજ દાબી દેવાનું બહુમતીનું વલણ કેવું છે તે નાટક 'લોકોનો દુશ્મન' દર્શાવે છે

- પ્રો. હેમંતકુમાર શાહ નોર્વેના એક મહાન નાટકકાર હેનરિક ઇબ્સન (૧૮૨૮-૧૯૦૬). તેમનું ૧૮૮૨માં પ્રકાશિત થયેલું એક નાટક: 'An Enemy of the People' એટલે કે 'લોકોનો દુશ્મન'. 

Asian grooming gangs? Colonial roots of contemporary racism in Britain

By Bhabani Shankar Nayak  The Hydrant Programme, which leads the Child Sexual Exploitation Taskforce, is supported by two national policing initiatives: the Tackling Organised Exploitation (TOEX) Programme and the Vulnerability Knowledge and Practice Programme (VKPP). It has documented 4,422 victims and 6,670 suspects in 2024. Additionally, it has identified 4,228 group-based child sexual abuse and exploitation crimes in the UK in 2024.These figures highlight the failure of the UK government, law enforcement agencies and its policies to effectively combat the sexual abuse and exploitation of children. This heinous crime and epidemic of child sexual abuse and exploitation continues to grow, posing a serious threat to the very fabric of our society and its future—our children. 

Misleading ideology being created: Babasaheb 'appreciated' the ideology of Hindutva

By Ram Puniyani*  As the insult directed at Babasaheb Ambedkar by Amit Shah in the Lok Sabha draws widespread criticism from across the country, right-wing Hindu nationalist ideologues are attempting to construct a narrative that aligns Ambedkar’s ideology with the politics of figures like Savarkar, the RSS, and the BJP. (Balbir Punj on X: "The resurrection of Dr Ambedkar" / X). They selectively quote from Ambedkar’s vast body of work to paint a misleading picture suggesting that Babasaheb appreciated the ideology of Hindutva.

Leaders who love, respect Ambedkar, should work for local good governance

By Sudhansu R Das   There was a scuffle in the Parliament. Protest, dharnas, demonstration, allegations and counter allegations continued over a remark on Dr B R Ambedkar by the Home Minister, Amit Shah. Complaint in the police station was lodged against Rahul Gandhi for pushing two BJP MPs - Pratap Chandra Sarangi and Mukesh Rajput; they got  injured at Makar Dwar.  

બેટ દ્વારકામાં માત્ર મુસ્લિમ ઘરો અને ધાર્મિક સ્થળો પર બુલડોઝર કાર્યવાહી: તાત્કાલિક રોકવાની માંગ

- પ્રતિનિધિ   દ્વારા   બેટ દ્વારકામાં મુસ્લિમ સમુદાયના ઘરો અને ધાર્મિક સ્થળો પર તંત્ર દ્વારા થયેલી બુલડોઝર કાર્યવાહી સામે સામાજિક આગેવાનો અને નાગરિકોમાં ભારે વિરોધ જોવા મળી રહ્યો છે. સ્થાનિકોમાંથી કેટલાક દ્વારા ગુજરાતના મુખ્યમંત્રીને લેખિતમાં રજૂઆત કરવામાં આવી છે, જેમાં આ કાર્યવાહી તાત્કાલિક રોકવાની માંગ ઉઠાવવામાં આવી છે.

PUCL releases 'objectionable' paras on human rights groups in NIA judgement on Kasganj communal violence

Counterview Desk   The People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) has released the English summary translation of what it considers as objectionable paras (185 to 188) against human rights groups, written in the NIA judgement in the Kasganj (UP) communal violence of 2018 case:  ***  The judgement in the Kasganj Communal Violence of 2018 which came on 4th January, 2025 had four paragraphs towards the end, which had extremely shocking comments against six human rights groups, namely, Citizens for Justice and Peace, People’s Union for Civil Liberties, N. Delhi,  United Against Hate, Rihaee Manch, Justice and Accountability Alliance, New York, Indian Muslim American Council, South Asia Solidarity, UK. We have attempted to translate the paras.  Paragraph 185: (Partly summarised and partly word to word.) After stating that the role of the court was to think correctly so that punishment against the accused for the 26th January, 2018 violence in Kasganj, which killed one...

Naveen Pattnaik's dream project operational: Need to sponsor young badminton talents

By Sudhansu R Das  Former Chief Minister, Naveen Pattanaik’s dream project “Dalmia Bharat Pullela Gopichand Badminton Academy" at the Kalinga Stadium complex, Bhubaneswar, was inaugurated on 12th December 2024 by Odisha Chief Minister, Mohan Charan Majhi and  Himanta Biswa Sarma, President, Badminton Association of India. "This centre will take badminton in India to a new high," said CM Majhi.  The High Performance Centre, resembling a badminton shuttle, covers 77000 square feet with eight badminton courts and seating arrangement for 400 spectators. Rated as one of the most advanced badminton infrastructures in the world, the Academy is expected to enthuse the young badminton players of Odisha.     "This revolutionary facility, with its unique design and state-of-the-art amenities, will play a crucial role in shaping Indian badminton's future," said Puneet Dalmia, managing director of Dalmia Bharat. Along with advanced badminton stadiums, the young badminto...

How India’s massive river link project would disrupt ecology as never before

By Bharat Dogra  Viswamitra sage addressing Beas and Satluj rivers: You move like chariots to the sea, through the power of Indira. You are full of water and wish to unite with each other. The rivers : we, who are full of water, move along the path the gods have made for us.  --The Rigveda

Dismal: India’s chemical industry accounts for only 1.98% of global market

By N.S. Venkataraman*  To achieve the Government of India's vision of "Viksit Bharat 2047," it is essential to build substantial manufacturing capacities for chemicals and allied products. This step is crucial for promoting self-sufficiency and reducing import dependence. However, there is little evidence that progress is happening at the required scale. Capital expenditure in India's chemical and allied industries is advancing at a very slow pace.

Govt of India asked to work for release of 217 Indian fishermen detained in Pakistan since 2021

By A Representative  Members of the fishing communities from Gujarat and Diu, Union Territory, held a press conference in Ahmedabad, urging the Union Government to take proactive measures to secure the release of Indian fishermen currently detained in Pakistan. Presently, 217 Indian fishermen, mostly from Gujarat and Diu, are held in Pakistan’s Malir Jail. Of these, 53 have been incarcerated since 2021 and 130 since 2022.

આપણે દુર્ગા દેવીને પૂજીએ છીએ અને છતાં આ બધું થઈ રહ્યું છે એનાથી દુર્ગા દેવી રડી રહી છે

- પ્રો. હેમંતકુમાર શાહ  અમદાવાદમાં ચાલી રહેલા ૧૩ દિવસના શાસ્ત્રીય સંગીતના ઉત્સવ સપ્તકમાં ગઈ કાલે વિખ્યાત સરોદવાદક અમઝદ અલી ખાંનું સરોદ વાદન હતું. ૭૯ વર્ષના આ મહાન સંગીતકારે મહાત્મા ગાંધીને યાદ કરીને સૌ પ્રથમ વૈષ્ણવ જન ભજન અને પછી રઘુપતિ રાઘવ રાજા રામની ધૂન સરોદ પર વગાડી.

Murshidabad villagers struggle for safe drinking water despite govt initiatives

By A Representative  A glaring issue of water scarcity has come to light in Katlamari II Gram Panchayat (GP) under Raninagar II Block in Murshidabad district of West Bengal. Despite government initiatives like the Jal Jeevan Mission and the "Har Ghar Nal Jal" scheme, over 27,000 residents of this area are still deprived of safe drinking water.

Baccha Singh, Manish Azad arrests highlight state action against activists

By Harsh Thakor*  On January 3, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) in Ranchi interrogated and subsequently arrested Baccha Singh under FIR Number RC-03/2023/NIA/RNC. Singh, a trade union activist, has previously faced scrutiny. In May 2023, his residence was raided by the NIA in connection with a "conspiracy case," during which devices belonging to his partner, Ipsa Shatakshi, were seized. Singh, based in Bokaro, Jharkhand, has been a prominent figure in labor rights and was the General Secretary of the Majdoor Sangathan Samiti (MSS), a registered trade union banned twice by the Jharkhand government, most recently in August 2023 under the Criminal Law Amendment Act (CLA) of 1908.

A new turn in the farmers' movement? Dalewal’s 'decisive' struggle

By Vikas Meshram*  The ongoing farmers' movement at the Punjab-Haryana border for the past year has taken a new turn. Jagjit Singh Dalewal, a prominent leader of the Samyukt Kisan Morcha, has vowed to go on a hunger strike until the government agrees to implement the Minimum Support Price (MSP) and address other key farmer demands. Despite suffering from a severe illness like cancer, Dalewal began his hunger strike on November 26. His firm stance has caused widespread unrest and anger among the farming community.

Special NIA Court Lucknow's judgment: Grave implications for freedom of speech and expression

Counterview Desk People’s Union for Civil Liberties responds to the observations made by the Special NIA Court, Lucknow, against the PUCL and other human rights organisations, objecting to targeting of activists. It states the comments by the NIA Court, Lucknow, against PUCL are strange, adding, these undermine constitutional values of ‘spirit of harmony’ and ‘brotherhood’. It hopes, its prejudiced and invidious observations are suo motu expunged from the reported judgment: ***