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Why politicians fail to take up the mission to encourage wider people's participation

By Harasankar Adhikari 

Indian democracy is a multiparty system of democracy in its nature or characters. Every political party has its own particular philosophy, principles and strategic plan, programme, and policy. It is obvious, and it facilitates opposition to monitor government's functions. But the ultimate mission of these political parties is to strengthen people's participation in the democratic government and to ensure constitutional safeguard for liberty and justice. Finally, it works for healthy living of people, and it also accelerates the nation's progress and development. Political party's vested interest is the interest of people of the country. But in reality we witness as if it were only for the prosperity of the leaders from the grass-roots to the upper level in its hierarchy.
According to the principle of a particular political party, people join themselves as supporters aiming to elect the particular party to be ruled by the government. There are different processes to make the party's supporters or members. It teaches and makes aware people about an agenda of the party.
Every party claims, it is principally the best and its programme and policy are the best for the countrymen, especially for the poor (majority of the Indian population). But practically poor remains poor, and the number of poor increases daily. It reminds, "we have had lectures enough, societies enough, paper enough; where is the man who will lend us a hand to drag us out? Where is the man who has sympathy for us?" The leaders are always making reform. Only their methods are different. Mostly, "theirs is the method of destruction, mine is that of construction. I do not believe in reform; I believe in growth". It was the expectation of Swami Vivekananda. At present, the central government has condensed its effort to privatize heavy industries or large public sectors, while it has no effort to build up a new industry. It propagates that it is no more profitable, and it is only a burden to the government. Then, how would a private sector make a profit after the acquisition of these sectors?
Poverty is the main curse of this country. It was, it is, and it would be remained because our democracy is falsely imposed. Here "hopeless they were born, hopeless they must remain."
Dole makes them mentally dull and dependent. They are gradually paralyzed due to the absence of a job. An able-bodied is making a differently abled person whose aim of life is to carry the political party's activities and live with kindness of doling. There is an absence of ‘intense sympathy’ among the leaders in this democracy.
Do they realize their actions spread a culture of hate- hate politics among the common masses? According to the “Duplex Theory of Hate”, by Robert J. Stenberg(2012), hate is the negation of intimacy involved in the seeking of distance. It makes distance among people. It makes a person as inhuman who deliberately commits a crime against one’s person. The political leader usually takes this advantage to finish the opponent. Secondly, hate creates passion for intense anger of fear in response to a threat. Today, anger and fear are a strong weapon for making a non-liberal and feared society. Then, the political leaders desperately make committed cadres who are devaluated for easy establishment of one’s domination.
At present, societal as well as neighbourhood relation is in threat and crisis. Person-to- person relationship is truncated and doubtful. Faith among individuals is weak and thin. The fractured society is in danger. The political reformation through behavioural change of the political leaders needs urgent attention. Now, it is time to think about the future of society and people.



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